Elementary Program
Kindergarten - Grade 5
Elementary Program
Kindergarten - Grade 5
The Elementary School Years
Give your child a bright start to their elementary school years by enrolling them in Saint Bridget School's vibrant, faith-centered learning environment.
Rooted in Catholic values, our curriculum emphasizes not only core subjects like math, reading, and science, but also the development of character, integrity, and compassion. Students are encouraged to explore their God-given talents, build strong moral foundations, and become responsible, kind-hearted individuals who serve others.
Through engaging lessons, hands-on learning, and a supportive community, the goal is to inspire a love for learning and a lifelong commitment to living out Catholic values both in and out of the classroom.
Browse a Curriculum:
The kindergarten year is based on the goal of helping young children grow and develop positive self-concepts. They learn best by doing, so much of our full day is spent actively involved in "hands-on" activities. By the completion of the kindergarten year, the children are moving forward with emergent reading skills.
Through the use of the "I Am Special" Program, students will:
- Gain a knowledge of God
- Develop a friendship with Jesus
- Learn Christian actions such as caring, sharing and loving
- Celebrate the liturgical seasons such as Advent, Christmas, Lent and Easter
- Listen to scripture and take part in prayer
Through the use of Rowland Reading Foundation's Superkids Reading Program, students will
- Recognize and recite rhymes
- Practice left to right progression
- Identify, print, and associate sounds with letters
- Blend sounds to create words
- Decode sounds and words to aid in reading comprehension
- Recognize 67 high frequency, Dolce words
Through the use of a manipulative-based program, students will:
- Identify, describe, and create patterns
- Name and reproduce shapes
- Sort and classify objects
- Compare and measure quantities
- Tell time to the hour and half hour
- Identify coins such as penny, nickel, dime and quarter.
- Count orally to 100.
- Recognize and write numbers to 30
- Add and subtract number combinations to 10
Science & Social Studies
Through the presentation and sharing of special units, children are also exposed to subjects such as science, health and social studies. Themes vary according to events, seasons, and holidays.
Weekly Specials
- Art
- Music
- Library
- Physical Education
- Technology
In first grade, the main focus of our curriculum in religion is Jesus, His life, and how we learn to live like Him. The children are also taught about:
- God, our Creator, and the Holy Spirit
- The sacraments of Baptism and Eucharist
- The liturgical seasons and prayer, including some basic formal prayers
Reading and Language Arts
In first grade, the students learn strategies in reading, writing, and word study that help them on their way to becoming independent readers and writers. We use Journeys, a reading series that uses a variety of books to develop:
- Phonics, high-frequency word vocabulary, and word strategies
- Grammar and spelling (the beginning transition from sound spelling to conventional spelling) using academic language right from the start
- Critical thinking skills in comprehension
- Writing skills (with a strong connection between reading and writing)
Using manipulatives, games, and literature, we used the Pearson Math program to teach:
- Number patterns from 0-100, including counting by 2s, 5s, and 10s
- Addition and subtraction strategies to 18, mastering sums to 12 and differences from 12
- Simple addition and subtraction of two-digit numbers with a simple introduction to regrouping of two-digit numbers
- Basic fractions as a part of a group or whole, recognition of plane figures and solid figures
- English and metric measurement of length, money to a dollar, the calendar, liquids, time (to the half-hour)
- Reading graphs and simple estimation
Social Studies
- Maps, map keys, map directions, continents, oceans, the USA and CT
- Safety rules, respect for others, knowledge of American heritage including holidays and people who have made a difference, the flag, patriotic songs and landmarks
- Economy - money, needs and wants, natural resources, community services
- The culture of different regions of the world and respect for all people
- Living things (plants, animals, human beings)
- Matter
- Magnets and forms of energy (light, sound, electricity)
- Time: day and night, seasons
- The Earth and conservation
- Hygiene, nutrition, and exercise
- Safety, including the Lures program and Cops and Kids
- Communication skills
Weekly Specials
- Art
- Music
- Library
- Physical Education
- Technology
- Prayer - Traditional and spontaneous
- Scripture Readings from the Gospels
- Liturgical seasons and celebrations
- Sacramental Reception. This program involves parent participation to enable the family and child to understand the sacraments of Reconciliation and Eucharist.
- Understanding family and faith as a part of their lives.
Reading and Language Arts
- Phonics & Decoding methods
- Comprehension skills
- Fact-finding & Sequencing
- Personal Reading – Incorporating skills in all content areas and nonfiction as well as independent reading. Daily silent reading is encouraged at home and becomes an integral component in the instructional day.
- Cursive Handwriting is introduced.
- Daily journal entries
- Friendly letters
- Punctuation and Grammar
- Data collection and interpretation
- Computation (+, -, x)
- Problem solving
- Classification & Sequencing
- Money Application
- Time & Measurement
Social Studies
- Communities
- Our Country
- Our World
- Peacemaking
- Maps
Science and Health
- Earth Science
- Physical Science
- Life Science
- Health
Weekly Specials
- Art
- Music
- Library
- Physical Education
- Technology
- The Catholic Church is a marked community, a believing community, a praying community, a caring community, and a ministering community.
- Benzinger Family Life
Reading and Language Arts
- Comprehension skills and vocabulary weekly
- Phonics and word strategies
- Grammar - sentences, punctuations, parts of speech
- Writing - paragraph, graphic organizers, narrative, informative, persuasive writing
- Spelling weekly
- Place value and time
- Addition and Subtraction of whole numbers and money
- Multiplication concepts and facts (0-12)
- Division concepts and facts (0-9)
- Geometry, fractions, decimals
- Customary and metric measurement
Social Studies
- Maps, globes, features, and symbols
- Needs, wants, goods and services
- Native American and Manchester units
Science and Health
- Physical, earth, and biological science
- How to learn from lab experiences
- The effects of drugs and alcohol
- Human body systems
- Nutrition and hygiene
Weekly Specials
- Art
- Music
- Library
- Physical Education
- Technology
The emphasis this year is learning to live our lives as Jesus wanted.
- By following the Beatitudes
- By following the Ten Commandments
- Benzinger Family Life
- Each student designs a Ten Commandments PowerPoint presentation
Reading and Language Arts
In fourth grade, the students learn many strategies for reading comprehension and writing:
- Daily grammar, Review – sentence structure and punctuation
- Reading comprehension skills and weekly vocabulary building
- Weekly spelling list
- Handwriting
- Writing
- Monthly book reports and two dioramas
- Multiplication by two digits
- Division by one digit
- Exploring basic geometry
- Expanding the understanding of fractions and decimals
- Interactive whiteboard instruction
Social Studies
- Regions of the United States
- Connecticut
- Peacemaking
- Map skills and Timelines
Science and Health
- Earth Science - solar system
- Physical Science
- Life Science
- Observation Skills
- Scientific Method
- Effects of drugs and alcohol
- Human Body Systems and Nutrition and Hygiene
Weekly Specials
- Art
- Music
- Library
- Physical Education
- Technology
- Sacraments of the Church: Baptism, Reconciliation, Anointing of the Sick, Holy Eucharist, Holy Orders, Confirmation and Matrimony
- Stations of the Cross
- Benzinger Family Life
Reading and Language Arts
- Explore various genres including Realistic and Historical Fiction, Biography/Autobiography, Folk Tales, Nonfiction and Fiction, Letters, Fables and Poetry
- Monthly Book Talks
- Grammar: Parts of speech; usage and mechanics
- Exposure to a variety of writing: Narrative, Persuasive and Expository
- Spelling weekly and online spelling activities
- Oral presentations using effective communication skills
- Multiplication and division of whole numbers and decimals
- Geometry, including perimeter and area
- Fractions and mixed numbers
- Measurement, ratio, percent and probability
Social Studies
- Land and people of the 19th century
- Exploration and Colonization
- War and Independence
- Expansion and Conflict
- Map and Geography Skills
Science and Health
- Structure of plants and animals
- The atmosphere and earth's composition - the changing earth's crust
- Structures of plants and animals
- Weather and forms of energy
- Ecosystem and the earth’s history
- Skeleton and muscular system
Weekly Specials
- Art
- Music
- Library
- Physical Education
- Technology