Visit & Apply
Call the admissions office at (860) 649-7731 x 155 or e-mail to request information and/or schedule a visit. You can also complete our Information Request Form or create an Application.
Documents & Testing
Contact the school to schedule an appointment for a Kindergarten Screening or Placement Test (Grades 1-8). Prior to the appointment, you will be required to submit copies of the following:
* A copy of your child’s Birth Certificate
*A copy of your child’s most recent standardized test scores (if applicable)
* A copy of your child’s most recent report card and a final report card from the prior year
* A copy of any planning/placement/special services reports pertaining to your child
* A copy of your child’s Baptismal Certificate (only if baptized Catholic)
We also strongly encourage new students entering grades 3 - 8 to “shadow” a current Saint Bridget School student for a day prior to acceptance. This helps your child get the full experience of coming to our school and allows us to get to know your child a little better. This can often be scheduled for the day of their placement test.
The first round of acceptance letters for new students will be mailed home in March. For later applicants, acceptance letters will be sent based on space availability as well as completion/review of all necessary paperwork and assessments.
Once you receive your acceptance letter, in order to secure a spot for your child, the completed Family Registration Packet and tuition contract must be submitted by the deadline noted in the acceptance letter. Along with the paperwork, a registration fee will hold a spot for your child(ren). This is a non-refundable fee, however it will be applied towards your annual tuition amount.